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Are you a graduate of FFPW USB? Take part in the questionnaire survey Czech Republic Alumni Research.

Are you a graduate of FFPW USB and you already left the gate of our faculty? Are you interested in having a closer contact with the faculty, cooperation with our staff or students, getting in contacts with your former classmates or using the benefits that our faculty can offer to you? Become a member of our Alumni Club!


What do you gain with the membership in the Alumni Club?
  • you can participation in selected events organized by the faculty
  • you might have possibility to find your colleagues, that you´ve lost
  • you can establish a professional relationship with institutes of FFPW USB in the scientific, research or educational area
  • you could get discounts on various events organized by the faculty or use special rates when using accommodation and training facilities of our faculty
  • you could be informed about lifelong learning courses or other educational or professional events organized by the faculty or events held in the areas of our faculty
  • you could ask for advices of our experts
  • You can become the member of our Alumni Club by registration. The registration is FREE!!!

    Your contact information will only be used to contact you by the FFPW USB, or, after your approval, it can be passed over among the graduates registered in the Alumni Club. Your personal information will be stored in our database of members of the Alumni Club from its provision until we get your request to remove the information from the database.

Alumni News

No news in this moment.

Alumni introduction


Dipl.-Ing. Jan Opatřil
Obtained title: Dipl.-Ing.
Year of graduation: 2012
form of study: full-time
Jan successfully completed his follow-up Master's degree studies in 2012. Jan is not only a fisherman, but also a writer and illustrator, he has published 7 books so far. He writes, reads in libraries, primary schools and cafes. He published his first set of fishing stories, Na rybách, in 2007. He is grateful for the support of his readers, as they are the only ones who make sense of what he is doing. Here is a short video about his study.
Dipl.-Ing. B.Sc. Jaromír Mitáš
Obtained title: B.Sc.
Year of graduation: 2014
Form of study: combined
For long time he has been engaged in breeding of ornamental fish species. In 2007, successfully completed two semesters specialized study in Vodňany and in 2014 successfully completed his bachelor's study on FROV. Currently he operates an amateur breeding Koi and sturgeon. He is a member of the KOI club and a graduate of Academy Aquascape Online - category Beginner and Intermediate. Photos from breeding activity you can found in the gallery on personal pages and can communicate via FB
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Dipl.-Ing. Kateřina Švagrová
Obtained title: Dipl.-Ing.
Year of graduation: 2018
form of study: combined

Katka successfully completed her follow-up Master's degree studies in 2018. She has dedicated her life to fish at school as well as in her private life. She is three times champion of the Czech Republic in fly fishing for last five years of racing activity and a double silver medalist of Czech Republic. Currently she gains butalso transmits fly fishing experience around the world (Australia, South Africa). Currently she is trying to get into fly fishing subconscious general public. Katka is the Czech ambassador for the US and British fly fishing entreprises engaged in the production of special clothing, cords and fly-tying materials (Skipper Reel,RIO, Veniard, Bug-Bond).

Photos from her voyages you can see:

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Dipl.-Ing. Pavel Válek
Obtained title: Dipl.-Ing.
Year of graduation: 2019
Form of study: combined
After successful completion of the bachelor's degree in 2014. Pavel successfully completed his follow-up Master's degree studies in 2019. He currently works atthe State Agricultural Intervention Fund on the position of Controller. Pavel is responsible for the OP Fisheries as well as for Rural Development Programme. In his thesis he dealt with the conditions of the growth of juvenile whitefish in intensive farming. In his master thesis focuses on the vertical distribution ofzoobenthos depending on the biomass of carp. He would like to in the future engaged in research in the field of fish farming as well as in protect the aquaticenvironment and its biodiversity. He likes hiking, sports and mtb.

Rusák prezentní

Dipl-Ing. Jakub Vlček

Obtained title: Dipl.-Ing.
Year of graduation: 2018
Form of study: full-time

Jakub is in the field of fisheries from his studies at SRS Vodňany - 2007-2011. On FROV he studied from 2011 and 2018 and successfully completed a follow-up Master's degree. Currently he continues in the master study. In parallel with the study also focuses on their company Ryby Vlček. The activity of the companyfocuses on breeding and selling of hatching fish market fish, sturgeon breeding and sale, advisory activities in fish farming, sports fishing. Company Ryby Vlčekcooperates with several renowned companies across Europe.
Further information can be found at

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M.Sc. Jiří Šrámek
Obtained title: M.Sc.
Year of graduation: 2012
Form of study: full-time

Between his bachelor's and master's studies Jiří worked as IT technician. After a master's graduation in 2012, he started his as an ecologist at a Povodí Moravy, s.p., where he currently works at the headquarters of entreprise Dyje in Náměšť nad Oslavou. His work is varied - from meetings with office, control activities, arranging contracts, security agendas riparian vegetation, and waste by frequent trips into the field. Likes to go fishing - he likes fish the trout, devotes alsoactively hunting, he is interested in IT and advanced technology, movies, metal music, he likes sports, but even a quiet game of poker. In the future he would liketo try doctoral studies.

For potential employers

To registered partners of the FFPW USB we offer graduate employability program as the opportunity to actively search for suitable employees from among our graduating students or alumhi. In addition to the applicant's CV, you can also obtain information about the applicant's academic success, references of our employees who came into contact with the applicant and other relevant information.

Currently 0 employers are looking for jobs.

If you are interested in renting space, organizing educational activities, soft skills courses or accommodation, you can use our premises in Vodňany, in the picturesque surroundings of the river Blanice - Brokův mlýn. More information here.


If you are interested in Alumni club, do not hesitate to contact us.

Contact: Ing. Alžběta Strouhová- This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 
phone number: +420 734 269 019

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