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Aquaponic hall

Technical description:

The aquaponic hall consists of 6 independent RAS and 200 m2 of greenhouse. Each RAS system consists of 4 fish tanks (á 750 l), a drum filter, biofilter, heating and aeration, aerobic mineralisation unit. RAS systems are in isolated rooms with controlled temperatures. The greenhouse has a regulated climate (automatically opening windows, heating, humidity control, shadow curtains, adiabatic cooling) and there are 4 different types of hydroponic systems (ebb and flow systems, drip irrigation systems, raft systems, and aeroponic systems) each in 6-12 replicates. The setup allows to perform experiments in both coupled as well as decoupled versions.
Remote monitoring & control:
The aquaponic hall has a remote monitoring control system using software Aisys.
Water and environmental conditions:

There are several water sources available for different experiments. The main water source is tap water and rainwater. Another option is to use water from RAS systems or mineralisation units. There is also the possibility to prepare clean water by reverse osmosis.


Heating of water in the recirculation system is currently implemented by using the space heating temperature control air conditioning. A set of heater/coolers (Hailea and Teco) is available for specific experiment designs.


It is a freshwater system, but salinity can be increased for experimental purposes.


Dissolved oxygen content is registered using hand-held meters (HACH, WTW). Online oxygen measurement using Aquasheriff is available.

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